Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Lesson Plan

Topic: Fijian Students in the USA: Understanding Deep Culture

Goal: To enhance understanding of “deep culture” through the study of the Fijian student.


*To familiarize teachers with important aspects of the Fijian culture.
*To strengthen knowledge of deep culture that teachers can apply to any culture they may encounter in the classroom.
*To assist teachers in recognizing elements of deep culture in their classroom so that they can make necessary modifications for successful classroom practices.
*To discuss and explore possible elements of deep culture that might arise in different subject/content areas and how they might be addressed.

Guiding Questions:

*Does knowledge of English assure quality of learning for students of different cultures?
*What common traits might be identified that would help teachers best address all cultures.
*What specific difficulties might Fijian students encounter in our classrooms?


KWL (Know,Want to Know, Learned) Handout

Students will complete the first part of this handout at the beginning of our INTO and complete the handout after our scavenger hunt activity. We will use this information to guide and inform the second part of our presentation.

Information Scavenger Hunt.

Each student will be provided with one fact and a list of questions about the Fijian culture. By mingling and talking with other students in class they will collect as much information as possible about the Fijian culture. This information will then be used to complete the
“Learned” portion of the KWL handout.


1. Maureen will briefly present findings from the KWL survey completed in our INTO.

2. Ariel will present a powerpoint presentation to familiarize class with important elements
of the Fijian Culture.

3. Denise will distribute handout with elements of “deep culture” and discuss with class.


1. Kai will conduct activity in which students can apply elements of deep culture discussed
to their own content areas.

2. Class discussion/share out on their understanding of deep culture and how it can be
applied to their content areas and teaching practice.

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